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Mabon - The Autumn Equinox
September 21st
Mabon, (may-bon), also known an the Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home, or the Witchs' Thanksgiving, marks a time of balance, when night and day are of equal lengths as we continue our journey through the dark half of the year. Now marks the second of the three main harvests, the harvest of fruits and wine...
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Coming up Next at Tree of Life
Public Mabon Ritual
& Celebration
with Diana
Sunday September 22nd
5:30pm $13
*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and class begins!*
Join us in Celebrating the Second Harvest and the Autumnal Equinox!
Diana has studied Witchcraft, Wicca, and Goddess Spirituality since she was a young Diana. She is an eclectic solitary Witch who practices a Joyous Ecstatic Tradition heavily influenced by Wicca and Goddess Spirituality.
As an active member of the San Diego Metaphysical Community and owner/ operator of "Tree of Life Metaphysical Books and Gifts" in San Diego Diana teaches many classes on the Craft, including her popular "Crafts of the Craft" series which include Love Magick Workshops, Candle Magick Workshops, Magickal Incense Workshops, and Magickal Amulet Workshops, just to name a few.
If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home!
If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home!
We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking.
Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking.
There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.