
We are open for In Store Shopping!

Would you like to stop by for a visit?
Come on in for some magical treats!
If you have a question send me a message at and I’ll do my best to answer.
We are so excited to see everyone and Make Some Magic!

Official Greeter for Tree of Life

Next at Tree of Life

How to Work with Runes 
with John Hijatt
Saturday, October 19th, 5:30pm $25

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and class begins!*

Join us for the next level of working with runes!


Once you have a set of runes and have been studying the poems and meanings, what can you do with them? How do you use them in divination? Come to this class to find out. "How to work with runes" will cover basics of divination and use in magic. We'll look at casting, drawing, and using spreads in divination and learn how runes "speak" in a reading. 


We'll also learn about creating bindrunes (talismans) and how to implement them in your magical practice. Having a basic understanding in Elder Futhark runes will be extremely helpful when attending class. This class will not be going over meanings or rune basics. You will make a bindrune to take home with you. Bring a set or deck of runes (I will be using Elder Futhark but any of the systems are okay) or you can get one from the Tree of Life. Look forward to seeing you there. 


John Hijatt is an inclusive Heathen and has studied runes for nearly 20 years. He is host of Gifts of the Wyrd podcast which explores topics of magick, runes, tarot, oracle, and inclusive practices for today. He describes the casual interview style with authors, artists, and creators as “Heathen NPR.” He enjoys teaching, reading runes, and leading ritual at Tree of Life. John believes community to be an essential part of practice and a great place to start is at the Tree of Life Store.


Get a Set of Runes of Your own!

Or browse our wide selection of Runes HERE

Samhain New Moon Ritual and Celebration

Thursday October 31st

5:30 pm

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and the Circle is Cast*

As we step into the season where Autumn swiftly transforms into Winter, an energetic shift is underway. This time of year holds special significance for various traditions, including Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, All Souls Day, Hallowe'en, Winter Finding, and others, all of which share common customs to acknowledge the thinning of the veils, allowing the ancestral spirits to draw near once more.

Ancestors encompass more than just those connected to us by blood.

They also include:


  - Those who have left a profound impact on us, like cherished teachers, mentors, or dear friends. 

 - Inspirational figures who have stirred our spirits with their remarkable stories.

 - Our adopted families, who become our ancestral lineage through love and commitment.

 - Those who have championed causes such as Equal Rights, the abolition of slavery, or served in the military, fighting for noble ideals.


During this gathering, let us pay tribute to those who have crossed into the realm beyond.

Feel free to bring a photograph or the name of someone you wish to remember at this event (approximately 2x2 in size to accommodate others).

If you're feeling unwell the evening of we appreciate if you'd stay home and rest up! 
If you call or email us before hand we can push your ticket to the next ritual, or refund as you prefer


We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking. Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking. There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.

An Annual Favorite Returns!

Saturday November 16th


A celebration of unique gifts and curios designed and created locally.

Magical treats and treasures!

All Manner of Handmade Wares! Unique hand crafted gifts!

Join us for this one day event showcasing several local purveyors of handcrafted goods.

You'll find many unique, high quality and creative gifts for all your holiday shopping.

Shop local and keep it awesome!


Past Events

Shamanic Goddess Circle: 
Meeting Hecate
with Mara Clear Spring Cook
Thursday, October 3rd, 5:30pm $33

*Limited to 30 participants*
*Pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and circle begins!*

You are at a crossroads in your life, and you have questions:

Which way should I go?
Who can I trust?
What is my soul purpose?

Hecate already knows you, even if you’ve never heard of her before. This Triple Goddess is strong in the shadows, a sleuth of hidden truths and secret magics.

She is the: 

Tri-form Goddess
With aspects of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. 

Shrouded in the mists of Mystery, Hecate brings answers, but are you ready to hear them?

On this night, we invoke her. We make an offering at the Crossroads, you meet her there, and you ask for her wisdom. 

Meet Hecate in her never known, but always there form.


Your personal water bottle
A journal for notes
A piece of jewelry, scarf, or other item for charging up on the altar (yes, you’ll take it back home with you!)

If the floor is too hard for you, bring a cushion. Chairs are available, too.


Dress up like the Goddess you are!

If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home!


Led by Mara Clear Spring Cook
Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor, and all around Hippie Chick!


With Diana Disimone, Head Witch and Proprietor of the Tree of Life in Ocean Beach


About the Shamanic Goddess Circle

Reawaken the Divine Feminine within you and reclaim your natural, wildish nature. Did you forget you were a Goddess in order to survive through the chaos of this world? 
Sink your roots into the ground and feel into the life-giving energy available to us all as women.

Every time is different – just like we are. Join in this women-centered Circle and journey down the powerful rivers of feminine intuition and healing magic. You’ll learn and experience shamanic techniques for personal growth and healing, and discover your own personal Goddess self.


Who is Mara Clear Spring Cook?
Mara is a Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher, Reiki Master and Munay-Ki Mentor. 
She sees private clients for soul retrieval, shamanic healing, one-on-one Shamanic Training, Reiki, space clearing and blessing, guided journey and more – both in person and distance.  She leads Shamanic Circles: Goddess, Drumming and Shamanic Sound Journey. Mara also teaches people how to follow the path of the shaman in First Step Shamanic Training and intermediate and advanced Shamanic courses. She teaches and installs the Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki as taught by Dr. Villoldo and the Four Winds Society

If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home! 

We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking.
Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking.
There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.


Public Mabon Ritual

& Celebration

with Diana

Sunday September 22nd

 5:30pm $13

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and ritual begins!*

Sold Out

Join us in Celebrating the Second Harvest and the Autumnal Equinox!


Diana has studied Witchcraft, Wicca, and Goddess Spirituality since she was a young Diana. She is an eclectic solitary Witch who practices a Joyous Ecstatic Tradition heavily influenced by Wicca and Goddess Spirituality. 
As an active member of the San Diego Metaphysical Community and owner/ operator of "Tree of Life Metaphysical Books and Gifts" in San Diego Diana teaches many classes on the Craft, including her popular "Crafts of the Craft" series which include Love Magick Workshops, Candle Magick Workshops, Magickal Incense Workshops, and Magickal Amulet Workshops, just to name a few.

If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home!

We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking.
Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking.
There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.

Get the Answers with Lenormand

Presented by
Fred West

Saturday, September 7th

5:30pm $25

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and class begins!*

Lenormand is a form of divination using cards, similar to Tarot. The difference is that where Tarot presents you with choices, Lenormand gives you answers. A Lenormand reading is simple, down-to-earth, with less intuition involved. You bring the questions, and with a little knowledge the cards will provide the answers.

During the class we’ll go over the history of Lenormand, the structure of the deck, and what the cards mean. You’ll also learn how to get started with spreads, and simple readings.  

Fred has been a card reader for over 30 years, and a passionate practitioner of Lenormand, a french card reading system.  Lenormand is excellent for when you have a specific question that you would like insight on. He has read all over the country, and has been on several radio shows. He has worked for conventions, events, private clients, and has even read for celebrities.

If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home!

We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking.
Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking.
There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.

Public Full Moon Ritual and Celebration

Sunday August 18th

5:30pm $13

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and class begins!*

Join us as we come together and celebrate the Full Harvest Moon!

If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home!

We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking.
Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking.
There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.

Aphrodite Embodiment 
The Return of the Shamanic Goddess Circle
with Mara Clear Spring
Thursday, July 18th

5:30pm $33

*Limited to 30 participants*
*Pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and circle begins!*

She rises from the seafoam of war and vengeance.

After years of holding back, She's ready to burst forth with new vitality and refreshing openness.

This Goddess of Love and Beauty resurrects within each of us.

Rediscover how her magic lives within you!

At the Shamanic Goddess Circle, we invite the Divine Feminine to show up in her many forms. And so we begin our adventure again with Love Incarnate, Aphrodite Embodiment, to lead the way!

•Your personal water bottle
•A journal for notes
•A piece of jewelry, scarf, or other item for charging up on the altar
If the floor is too hard for you, bring a cushion. Chairs are available, too.

Dress up like the Goddess you are!
Led by Mara Clear Spring Cook Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor, and all around Hippie Chick!

If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, please stay home!

We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking.
Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking.
There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.


Led by Mara Clear Spring Cook
Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor, and all around Hippie Chick!

Summer Solstice Public Ritual

with Mara Clear Spring Cook

Thursday, June 20th

5:30pm $13

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and class begins!*

Join us for a transformative Summer Solstice ritual to honor the Sun’s peak and the longest day of the year.

We gather to connect deeply with the rhythms of nature and the vibrant energies of midsummer.


Sacred Story of the Sun, Moon and Earth 
In the Shamanic Tradition of storytelling, I share with you the story of the Sun, Moon and Earth.


Drumming Circle

You don’t have to know how to play to be a part of our communal drumming circle. Together we create a powerful, rhythmic harmony that resonates with the heartbeat of the Earth. Bring your drums, rattles, or any percussion instruments to join in this primal and unifying experience. 
Yes, we will have some to share!


Guided Shamanic Journey:
As the drumbeat continues, I will lead a Guided Shamanic Journey where we connect with solar energies and receive insights or messages from the Sun's vibrant spirits.

This celebration is open to all who wish to honor the longest day of the year and embrace the warmth and light of the sun. Whether you are seeking spiritual renewal, community connection, or simply a moment to pause and reflect with nature, this ritual offers a space for deep engagement and joyful celebration.


Led by Mara Clear Spring Cook
Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Munay-Ki Mentor, and all around Hippie Chick!


Introduction to Runes
With John Hijatt
Sunday, June 9th 5:30pm

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and class begins!*

The writing system known as “the runes” was used in ancient Germanic, Scandinavian, and British regions for uses such as messages, markings, and magic. In the last few decades, they have become an important part of Heathen and divination practices.

This class will work with the Elder Futhark runes and connecting to them through historical, mythological, and personal experiences. You’ll be introduced to the basic rune meanings and how they can be used as a practical divination tool.


John Hijatt is an inclusive Heathen and has studied runes for nearly 20 years. He is host of Gifts of the Wyrd podcast which explores topics of magick, runes, tarot, oracle, and inclusive practices for today. He describes the casual interview style with authors, artists, and creators as “Heathen NPR.” He enjoys teaching, reading runes, and leading ritual at Tree of Life. John believes community to be an essential part of practice and a great place to start is at the Tree of Life Store.


Beltane Ritual and Celebration

with Diana

Thursday May 2nd
5:30pm $13
*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration Suggested*
*5:30 doors close and the Circle is Cast

Join us as we celebrate a
Beautiful Season of Life in Bloom for All!
"The memory of winter has faded, and the air is warm and thick with the perfume of Life in full bloom. This is a celebration of Love and Passion. Beltane is a Fire Festival to ignite New Life within ourselves and all around us. Now is when we focus our magic towards manifesting creativity, passion, abundance, and the Joy of Life." 



Crafting Magical Incenses Workshop 

with Diana 

Saturday, April 20, 5:30pm
$35 all materials provided

*limited to 20 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and class begins!*

Join us for this hands-on workshop in which you will learn to craft and use their own magical incense blends.

Each student will leave with an understanding of the basic principles of incense magic,

as well as magical incenses that they have created themselves for their own magical purposes.


Bring your mortar and pestle if you have one please!


Diana Disimone
Diana has studied Witchcraft, Wicca, and Goddess Spirituality since she was a young Diana.

She is an eclectic solitary Witch who practices a Joyous Ecstatic Tradition heavily influenced by Wicca and Goddess Spirituality.

As an active member of the San Diego Metaphysical Community and owner/ operator of "Tree of Life Metaphysical Books and Gifts" in San Diego Diana teaches many classes on the Craft, including her popular "Crafts of the Craft" series which include Love Magick Workshops, Candle Magick Workshops, Magickal Incense Workshops, and Magickal Amulet Workshops, just to name a few. 



Ostara Ritual and Celebration:

Welcoming the Coming of Spring

with John Hijatt
Thursday, March 21st

5:30pm $13

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and the Circle is Cast*

With the March equinox we say goodbye to winter and officially welcom spring.

Here in San Diego, that is only a slight adjustment as the days get longer and warmer.

The equinox marks a time of balance with a moment when day and night are equal creating a liminal space of magic between the two.

Join us on March 21st to celebrate this event honoring the goddess Nehalennia.

Nehalennia is a Dutch Goddess who was worshiped on the south west coast of the Netherlands in the first century C.E. She was revered for travel safety across the sea by merchants and mariners making her connected to the sea, travel, and business. She may have also been honored for fertility of the land, loyalty, and prosperity.

Celebrate your successes through winter and prepare for new "sea" travels with Nehalennia as a guide.

Perhaps she can help you with an upcoming venture!


John Hijatt has been a member of the San Diego Pagan Community for decades.  He is co-founder of Coast Oak Grove (San Diego's Druid Grove) and co-leader of the Kindred of the Northern Hammer (a Heathen Kindred celebrating the Gods of the Northern lands). He is devoted to Freya and Odin and is currently active in the Lore Program of The Troth. John is also the host of a great podcast Gifts of the Wyrd,   a forum for and about inclusive Germanic Paganism, Germanic Witchcraft, and Heathen topics exploring magick, runes, animism, and practices for today. Tree of Life has been honored to have John teach, read runes, and lead ritual in our space. He believes community to be an essential part of our practice and a great place to start is at The Tree of Life.


Imbolc Ritual and Celebration:
Calling the Goddess Brigid

With Andrea Carney
Thursday, February 1st

5:30pm $13

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and the Circle is Cast*

The eternal flame of the goddess Bridget will be passed to participants from the original candle eternally lit from the one in Kildare Ireland.

Each person will receive a candle to be taken home to relight other candles to transfer the positive and healing energies for success and well-being.

Holy well water from Ireland will bless all to ensure further well-being.

For those that wish, a dedicating pledge to further personal and world healing in empowerment will also be included. 

Andrea Carney is a Wiccan practitioner in the tradition of the Carae Shide (Fortress of the Faeries).

She’s been practicing craft longer than she can remember.

Winter Solstice Ritual and Celebration 

With Mara Clearspring

Thursday, December 21st

5:30pm $13

*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and the Circle is Cast*
Reserve your Space Today!

Once a year we experience the longest night and renewal of the light, the Winter Solstice.


Join us on this profound evening as we unite in community to both be still, and to celebrate this time of stillness, reflection, and rebirth.


In cultures around the world, the Winter Solstice has always been a sacred portal, an opportunity to journey inward, connect with ancestral spirits, and gather wisdom for the coming Turn of the Wheel. A moment allowing for deep introspection and transformation.


Together, let's weave a tapestry of rituals and intentions, honoring the profound magic of this season and the inner light that guides us even through the darkest nights. Whether you're well-versed in these traditions or simply drawn to the allure of this cosmic event, we invite you to be part of this communal acknowledgment and celebration. Let's welcome the return of the light!


BRING: your own water and scissors (!yes!)


Who is Mara Clear Spring Cook?
Mara is a Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher and Reiki Master. She sees private clients for soul retrieval, shamanic healing, one-on-one Shamanic Training, Reiki, space clearing and blessing, guided journey and more – both in person and distance. She leads Shamanic Circles: Goddess, Drumming and Sound Journey. Mara also teaches people how to follow the path of the shaman in First Step Shamanic Training and intermediate and advanced Shamanic courses. She teaches and installs the Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki as taught by Dr. Villoldo and the Four Winds Society.

Author Event

Christine Cunningham Ashworth

Free Booksigning

Saturday October 21


"The iconic Scott Cunningham (1953-1993) was the central figure in establishing Wicca in North America. First published in 1989, his pioneering book Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner radically altered the way people pursued their craft and remains popular today.


While so many people have come to Wicca and Paganism through his books, little is actually known about Scott himself. In this tribute, more memoir than biography, his little sister seeks to remedy that with stories of her own. Also included are appreciations written by key figures in today’s world of witchcraft, magic, tarot, and astrology."

Christine Cunningham Ashworth is the younger sister of author and witchcraft pioneer Scott Cunningham. Since 2017, she has become an established part of the cartomancy, witchcraft, and Tarot communities. Christine presents regularly at conferences and for the past three years, she has penned the “Stepping Stones” column for The Cartomancer magazine. Christine is a published author, primarily in the romance genre. She lives in southern California.

If you're feeling unwell the evening of we appreciate if you'd stay home and rest up! 
If you call or email us before hand we can push your ticket to the next ritual, or refund as you prefer


We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking. Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking. There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.