December 21st
Imbolc (im-bulk), meaning "in the belly", takes place midway between Yule and Beltane. This, the first of the Fire festivals, is the time of the year when our days are becoming visibly longer as the Sun spends more and more time in the sky with each passing day. At this time we can feel new life stirring “in the belly” of Mother Earth as we see the first faint green touches of Spring shyly peaking forth from the cold ground. Imbolc, also known as Oiemelc or "ewes milk", celebrates the first lactation of the ewes signifying the beginning of the lambing season and considered by ancient agrarian cultures as the first sign of the coming spring...
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Public Imbolc Ritual & Celebration
Saturday, February 1st, 5:30pm $13
*limited to 30 participants*
*pre registration suggested*
*5:30pm doors close and the Circle is Cast Please Arrive Early*
We have passed through the darkness of Samhain.
We have witnessed the rebirth of the Sun at Yule.
The Wheel Turns, and now we relish in the returning of the Light.
Dim though it may seem, we see it’s strength growing in the lengthening of every day.
Join us as we celebrate Imbolc and kindle the Flame of the Returning Sun!
If you're feeling unwell the evening of we appreciate if you'd stay home and rest up!
We highly recommend coming down a bit early to comfortably find parking. Ocean Beach is a busy little beach community, but there is ample parking. There is a paid lot by the CVS across Cable St. and lots of free street parking available.
Do your part. Donate to:
Doctors without Borders
Southern Poverty Law Center
The Sentencing Project: Advancing Racial Equality Through Criminal Justice Reforms
To any Woman who needs to hear this:
Will mail reproductive healthcare to your house discreetly and will work with you on prices.